Sunday, May 25, 2008

Time for another Update!

As of yesterday we have all three of our girls back home full time. We go back to court the first part of June so we will see what happens then. I don't think that we will be getting custody back then because I think that they are going to try to draw it out as long as they can. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they try to keep custody for a couple years.
I have learned one thing through all of this though. If someone that I don't know knocks on my door and wants to come in to see "how we are doing", "Let me know what resources are available in the community", or any thing else that sends alarms, the statement that they will hear will be, "You want to come in? Do you have a warrant?" Because as far as I know you don't HAVE to let anyone in your house unless they have a warrant. I also have become less trusting of people since this started.
When we get moved in to our new place there will be a chain lock or one of the bar locks like motels use put on the door and the door will not be opened without that being used.
I would love to post more but need to go finish cleaning and baking so I can go to bed.