Thursday, April 24, 2008


We have baby back in our physical custody. The older two are with us until Monday morning when the foster family gets back to town. We got them last night and today had to make a dr's appointment because they were brought over with pink eye. And we weren't told about it which means that they don't know about it which probably means that the whole house over there is going to get it. Someone is coming over each day to inspect the house. We are all hoping that they will decide to let the girls stay with us because the girls have already told us that they don't want to go back. We are managing just fine with all of them here.
I have made a schedule and have been sticking to it. We made sure that we had everything here that they would need and that their beds were made and that the house was clean.
When our skill builder came over today she said that she was amazed. It was alot cleaner than she thought that it would be. She thought that there would be toys all over the house and there were only 3 out. The girls listened very well.
The middle one went with hubby over to his dad's house for a bit today and the oldest went out to lunch with me. We are making sure that they each get individual time with us.
If it is nice tomorrow we are going to go down and feed the geese and ducks that are on the river.
The foster family is tired of having them, yes I know that sounds bad, but when the girls were dropped off they were told that it would only be for a month. They have told us this is one of the longet months that they have ever had. They will happily keep them as long as needed but they want us to get them back very soon. They have already talked to our case worker and told her that they feel that we are ready to have all of the girls back but apparently so far the caseworker hasn't been listening. But that is for tomorrow's post.
I hope that everyone who reads this has a great day. I know mine has been.

Since this all has happended, the middle one has turned 2 and the baby is now almost 7 months old.