Got paperwork in the mail. The judge has signed off on our case. We now have full custody back and our case is closed. Because of how paranoid this whole ordeal has made me this blog will be up until Halloween and then I will be taking this one down. I will be starting a different blog under the same name. Thank you for all that have seen this and prayed for my family.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Update again!!
Well, got the mail this past weekend. And in it was our Quarterly Review from DFS. They recommend that we be awarded back legal custody of all of our kids AND that the case be closed. Now we are just waiting for the judge to make a court date so that we can go and hope that the state doesn't decide to fight it. If they don't decide to fight it then we will be awarded legal custody back and this will all be over.
Posted by Me at 21:30 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Toddler Puke
Well, I got to spend all night being puked on every couple of hours by my 2yr old. Usually I don't mind because when she pukes it is usually just spit but this was white and chunky. She has this issue with puking in the toilet so she pukes on me. Yay! I have told her that when she does it she is not in trouble, but at least it is me instead of the carpet or furniture or her sister. I just get up, strip off whatever I was wearing that is now puked on and toss it in the washer and go back to sleep lol. Much easier than scrubbing the carpet.
Well that was my night in a nutshell lol.
Posted by Me at 07:18 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Update time again.
Got a call from caseworker today. Caseworker is drawing up paperwork to close our case. It will then be passed on to the judge. We will have a court date so that the judge can reinstate legal custody. After that happens we will be getting a babysitter and I will be working like mad along with hubby so we can get the money saved up to move. DFS has decided that they are going to keep doing home visits even after the case is closed. Now I have to call lawyer and find out if it is legal. Anyone who wants in my house as soon as this is over is going to be met with, "Sorry, I don't let anyone I don't know into my house". If I get told that it is not legal for them to come in the house, they will get told, "I'm sorry, I have been advised by my lawyer to not let anyone in my house. If you have any problems with that then you may contact my lawyer."
So that is the good news at my house.
What is the good news at yours?
Posted by Me at 20:58 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I haven't posted in a while
Some of you that read my blog, ok, who am I kidding lol there are only about 3 people who have read my blog lol, might be wondering why I don't post alot anymore. The reason that I don't post alot anymore is because this was started as a way for me to vent nonviolently. Because the way that I WANTED to handle things would not have been good for my case. But on to the good news!
We are being monitored (I know that I have mentioned it a time or 2 lol) until October 7th. That is 2 months to the DAY of our last MDT meeting where they said that they were going to only monitor us for 2 more months. I talked to my lawyer today and he said to call him the week after if we haven't heard anything and then we will find out what the hold up is. They said that they just wanted to monitor us for the 2 months and if everything was still going good then they would be motioning for our case to be closed. YAY!!!
So that is what is going on here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. The only way to understand what you don't currently understand is to ask questions. (Just to quote all of our school teachers lol)
Posted by Me at 22:50 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
2 more months of HELL
Well, we had our 2nd MDT meeting. We are being monitored for 2 more months and then if everything keeps going the way it is then they are going to ask that our case be closed. Then we are getting the HELL out of WY. We have finally decided that we are moving to Toronto.
I start back at Village Inn tomorrow afternoon. I also have my drivers license so that helps matters. My oldest starts school in 2 weeks.
Everyone is looking forward to the move. It is always nice to move because then you get rid of old stuff and get some new stuff.
Just thought that I would post an update.
Posted by Me at 20:47 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Time for another Update!
As of yesterday we have all three of our girls back home full time. We go back to court the first part of June so we will see what happens then. I don't think that we will be getting custody back then because I think that they are going to try to draw it out as long as they can. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they try to keep custody for a couple years.
I have learned one thing through all of this though. If someone that I don't know knocks on my door and wants to come in to see "how we are doing", "Let me know what resources are available in the community", or any thing else that sends alarms, the statement that they will hear will be, "You want to come in? Do you have a warrant?" Because as far as I know you don't HAVE to let anyone in your house unless they have a warrant. I also have become less trusting of people since this started.
When we get moved in to our new place there will be a chain lock or one of the bar locks like motels use put on the door and the door will not be opened without that being used.
I would love to post more but need to go finish cleaning and baking so I can go to bed.
Posted by Me at 00:08 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Raisin Bran Muffins
3 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups toasted bran flake cereal
1 cup toasted wheat germ
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups buttermilk
1 cup water
2 large eggs, beaten
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup molasses
2 cups raisins
Combine flour, flakes, germ, brown sugar, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl, mix well. Combine buttermilk, water, eggs, oil, honey, and molasses in a bowl; blend well. Add to flour mixture; stir just until dry ingredients are moistened. Fold in raisins. Pour into glass or plastic container. Cover and store in refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours and a maximum of 4 weeks. Heat oven to 400*. Grease or line muffin cups with paper baking cups. Spoon 1/4 cup batter into cups.
Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Oat and Bran Raisin Muffins:
Substitute 1 cup oats or 1 cup nugget-type cereal for wheat germ. Prepare as above.
Orange Raisin Beran Muffins:Substitute 1 cup oprange juice for 1 cup water. Add 2 teaspoons grated orange zest to batter.
Posted by Me at 19:12 0 comments
New type of post
It occured to me that I am not having alot of time to post now that 2 of the 3 are home and I am trying to keep the house spotless. As I type this I have about 4 loads of laundry that I have to go fold. I decided that I am going to be posting one recipie a week on this blog. If there is anything that someone wants to see a recipie for let me know and I will try to find it.
Posted by Me at 19:11 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Going on a trip
We leave Saturday morning to go to my brother's college graduation. My dad is coming up to get us and then will be bringing us back on Sunday. Hopefully I can stay within my points while I am gone. I am going to be taking some food so that I have some food that is safe for me to eat so that I can stay in my points.
Will post what he graduated with as soon as I find out.
Posted by Me at 23:09 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My weekly cleaning schedule
I posted my daily cleaning schedule so now I am going to post my weekly cleaning schedule.
Monday Wash the beedding
Tuesday Clean out the fridge
Wednesday Plan the week's menu
Thursday Wash the bedding
Friday Work on my notebook
Saturday Catch up day
Sunday Deep Clean whatever I missed
Posted by Me at 01:00 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Cleaning Schedule
It has been asked that I post my cleaning schedule on here so it might help someone else. Let me start off by saying I live in a small 3 bedroom trailer. The master bedroom is maybe about the size of a normal bedroom and the other 2 are extremley small. I try to clean the entire house from top to bottom every day. Some days it happens, some days it doesn't.
I am just going to post the things I clean in the order I do them.
Pick up the floor
Clean the counters
Clean the toilet and tub
Make the bed
Pick up the floor
Put the laundry away that is on the bed
Pick up the floor
Clean off the Washer and Dryer
Pick up the floor
Clean the bathroom (it has a toilet and a sink)
Girl's bedroom
Put the toys away
Pick up the floor
Make their beds
Make sure that only their clothes are in the closet
Living Room
Pick up the floor
Clean off the sit spots
Clean off the dressers
Clean off the tv
Clean off table
Vaccum the floor
Mop the floor
Make sure that the rainmate and vaccum have smellys in them and are running
Posted by Me at 08:26 1 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tracking Day 1
Well tomorrow is my first weigh in at WW which means that I have gone a week. So far I haven't really exercised or watched what I eat other than to watch it go into my mouth and on to my hips.
Today was a better day for eating better and I am going to do an exercise video or two before I go to bed.
Thankfully all of the cookies are now out of my house!
I get 31 points in a day so lets see how I have done so far.
What I have consumed so far today:
8 oz apple juice 2 points
1 cup flavored rice 8 points
9 oreos 12 points
strawberry kiwi capri sun 2 points
Hershey's Bliss 1 point
50 oz of water
Medium potato oles 14 points
small side sour cream 3 points
small side nacho sauce 3 points
10 piece chicken nugget 10 points
2 honey packets 2 points
6 T bbq sauce 3 points
Grand total: 60 points
Exercise: 2 points
TOTAL 58 points
Posted by Me at 18:38 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Time for a different kind of post
Well I have decided that it is time for a diferent kind of post. I have joined Weight Watchers and they are big about writting down what you eat so I am going to be doing that on here. Hopefully if I can keep up with everything I will be able to lose weight and get out of the dreaded 2's.
Ok here goes. I get 31 points a day right now.
Posted by Me at 12:19 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
We have baby back in our physical custody. The older two are with us until Monday morning when the foster family gets back to town. We got them last night and today had to make a dr's appointment because they were brought over with pink eye. And we weren't told about it which means that they don't know about it which probably means that the whole house over there is going to get it. Someone is coming over each day to inspect the house. We are all hoping that they will decide to let the girls stay with us because the girls have already told us that they don't want to go back. We are managing just fine with all of them here.
I have made a schedule and have been sticking to it. We made sure that we had everything here that they would need and that their beds were made and that the house was clean.
When our skill builder came over today she said that she was amazed. It was alot cleaner than she thought that it would be. She thought that there would be toys all over the house and there were only 3 out. The girls listened very well.
The middle one went with hubby over to his dad's house for a bit today and the oldest went out to lunch with me. We are making sure that they each get individual time with us.
If it is nice tomorrow we are going to go down and feed the geese and ducks that are on the river.
The foster family is tired of having them, yes I know that sounds bad, but when the girls were dropped off they were told that it would only be for a month. They have told us this is one of the longet months that they have ever had. They will happily keep them as long as needed but they want us to get them back very soon. They have already talked to our case worker and told her that they feel that we are ready to have all of the girls back but apparently so far the caseworker hasn't been listening. But that is for tomorrow's post.
I hope that everyone who reads this has a great day. I know mine has been.
Since this all has happended, the middle one has turned 2 and the baby is now almost 7 months old.
Posted by Me at 20:13 2 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
"When it rains, it pours"
Well, like they say, "When it rains, it pours."
We paid the phone bill out of the bank account and checked it 4 hours later only to find out that it had been completly emptied. Apparently a collection agency got ahold of our banking information and drained our account. Thankfully we get paid on Friday. The only thing that we really had to pay for was my avon order and meat. We are going to the courthouse on Tuesday to get it straightend out. And if that wasn't enough, we got the paperwork for child support that we have to fill out and turn back in. So now the credit people still want another $400 on top of the $500 that they took. And we are going to start paying child support. I am hoping that my therapist clears me to go get a job because we could really use it right about now. Also come to find out they have to deliver the papers to garnish our wages and account before they can take anything out. AND they can't leave you with nothing. So according to the law we can go to the courthouse on Tuesday and because legally they stole it, the judge can throw it out and we could end up getting all of our money back and not having to pay them anything. I don't see that happening but we are hoping to get some of the money back. We have no problem paying them their money, but I told them that we wouldn't give them anything until they sent us an itemized list of what we owe and to who. They still haven't done that and it was at least 9 months ago. I called them a couple months after they were suppossed to send the list and they said that they had no record of our account and that we didn't owe them anything. ARGH! Stupid agency people!
And if that wasn't bad enough, we won't be getting the girls back until April at least. We are having some Multiple Diciplinary Team Meeting April 2nd. We were given a list of everything that we need to get done for the meeting so we are going to be going to the meeting and when they mention that we need to do "A" we can hand them paperwork saying that we have already done that.
But that is my vent for now, who knows, I may rant some more later lol.
P.S. Hope everyone had a great Valentines day!
Posted by Me at 18:57 1 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I'm Back!
Well I have been away for a while so I thought that I would come and post again. The girls are going to Utah this weekend and so they are going to be having fun with that. J keeps telling me that Utah has lots of toys for them to play with. K has decided that we are no longer nursing becuase it is more work than the bottle. I don't mind all that much because I made it 4 months with nursing her which is better than I had done in the past. L is loving it over at our friend's house right now because she has 2 boys to play with and a cat.
The girls got me a box of chocolates and a balloon for Valentine's Day. J and L ran around the room bopping each other on the head saying "Love You" with each bop. We don't see them until next week.
Tomorrow we have a meeting with our case worker to find out what we need to get done before our meeting that hopefully lets us get the girls back.
But as I have just been informed by the person in the doorway, I need to go to bed because that meeting is at 9am.
Posted by Me at 00:56 0 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Mom Song
Boy, if you are a Mommy, I dare you to watch this and say that you haven't said any of these to your kids lol.
Posted by Me at 21:59 0 comments
Yea! We get visitation tomorrow! I know that it is only an hour but it could be worse and we could have no visitation. We get to see them tomorrow afternoon for an hour. I can't wait to see them! When they go to family for a visit it isn't that bad because I know that I can call and check on them. I think that the worst part of this is that we can't call and talk to them. We are waiting to hear back from our lawyer about getting more visitation. We are also wondering how long this is going to take. We are going to talk to our lawyer about me getting a job so that we can get our debt payed down and make it easier to move into a better place. I think that part of the reason that they took the girls is that they aren't happy that we are living in a trailer. I also am going to be seeing a therapist starting tomorrow night. We have been using the time without the girls to clean the house, put locks on the interior doors, and teach me how to clean. There was an agency that came in and wanted to help me clean but all they did was clean. Don't get me wrong I didn't mind, but no one taught me how to clean. That is my main problem. But that is for another post.
Posted by Me at 21:44 0 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Peace and Quiet, Well, sort of
It has been unusually quiet around here lately. The girls have been gone since Friday the 25th. Tom and I have been using the time to get the house under control and a bit more child proofed. We are also making sure that all of the repairs that can be made to the house are getting done. I am also working with one of the agencies and they are going to be helping us get stuff in order and give the DFS people good news for us. Even though I know that the girls aren't here I can still hear them. I can't hear them talking but I can hear their voices. Thank God for picture phones because whenever I need to I can look at their pictures. I won't be happy until they are home safe and sound.
Posted by Me at 21:06 0 comments
As you can probably tell by my title, I am a Mommy. I am also needing a place to vent and my hubby suggested that I vent by blogging. Hence the name Vents of a Mommy. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Posted by Me at 16:35 0 comments